It was a very good night

So no teeth yet, but maybe the pushing has subsided. Another happy, smiling, feeling like a family kind of evening. While Eric ran on the treadmill and listened to 80s hairband rock, Alex jumped on the bed in the same room and Avery sat on the changing table and literally swayed in time to the music. She particularly liked "Fallen Angel" by Poison. I wish I could have taken video of it, but I was afraid to pick her up and go get the camera because she might not want to dance anymore and I was afraid to leave her and get the camera for obvious reasons. Anyway, after the treadmill and dancing were done, the mood continued on the bed in the room and these are some of the pictures I took.

This last one I want to include just to show you how big Alex is. I can't believe he is still only 4 in this photo. He looks like he's stretching to run a marathon (a mischievous marathon).


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