6 months

Hi Avery,
Today you are six months old. For you the day is already over, you are in your crib fast asleep wearing a pair of lion footie pajamas that used to be Alex's. Hopefully, I wont hear from you until at least 6 a.m., but I know better and expect that you will demand a bottle on the early side of 5:30. What will we do when daylight savings is over!

So in the past few days, you have started the most adorable of baby babbling and I swear you are saying 'mama' and 'dada' (or in reality, mamamamamamama and dadadadadada). It is just so cute and fills my heart with crazy immense joy and love for you - even on the early side of 5:30 a.m. This picture shows you never stopping the babbling, no matter what you are doing.

Also in the past month, you have started eating solid foods. And there are ones that you clearly like, love and hate:
Like: green beans, prunes, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, rice and oatmeal cereals
Love: peaches and peas (I have never seen anything like it!) Also challah, which you have every morning for breakfast
Hate: squash and avocadoes

You are very messy when you eat so each night before dinner I strip you down to a diaper. You complain and cry when I try to clean you with wipes after dinner. And you always have a treasure trove of leftovers when your daddy gives you a bath at night.



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