
Yesterday Tara had a party for the neighborhood kids before we all went trick or treating together. I decided that as long as Avery was not cranky, she could forgo her nap for the day. So after snacks and playing (and cocktails for the adults), we set out about 3 p.m.

Tara and I live five houses apart - there are three houses between us. Avery went to Judy's house, then Elaine's house, then Steve and Cecilia's house. When we reached our house she declared, "Mommy, I tired. I go take nap"

So in she went. Poor Eric had to stay home and watch football and couldn't join the rest of the crew (yes, that's sarcasm). Later, when she woke up, she could not have been more excited about the lollipop, the nickel and the piece of chocolate she received.

The girl has learned at a very young age that it's quality, not quantity that matters!


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