Happy Re-Birthday

 Dear Alex,

I was awakened at 5am today, a little bit by the snoring going on right next to me but also because my mind was swirling with what I wanted to convey to you today on your 20th birthday. 

You are 20, but today you are also three months old. And that is because three months ago today we got into your car in Boulder and began the journey back to Glen Rock, back to the place where you would do the really hard work of becoming a stronger and more content human being. You did this among the naysayers thinking that taking a break from a linear path in life was for the weak, who believed that using your anxiety to drive you forward was the path to success, when you have realized that it is quite the opposite. 

So on your three month birthday, here’s what I want you to know about yourself:

1. You are incredibly strong. Thank you for speaking up for yourself and for doing the hard work

2. You are infinitely interesting. When you speak, people are drawn to you and want to hear what you say 

3. You see humor in hidden places. (See “interesting” above)

4.  You are on a virtuous path to your own success and contentment in life. Take pride in whatever you choose to accomplish. The old adage that people remember how you make them feel is real and how you choose to do is way more important that what you choose 

5. I wish that you would open up to me more and share your innermost thoughts and fears, but I will take what you can give to me and lament over the fact that in three months you have grown so tremendously that you don’t care to be mama’s little boy anymore. And conversely, that in three months, you have probably told me more than in all the secret teenager years preceding 

6.  You have friends and girlfriends and strong connections and relationships. You always have. Continue to lean on the good ones for support. These people are your cheerleaders right along side me

7. You still have work to do. Strive to be honest, with yourself and with me. It’s how you are going to get where you are meant to be. Don’t be discouraged by setbacks- they are bound to happen. Know that in the end the world is a more beautiful place because of you.

Re: more work to be done: please ask your female friends to teach you how to take a good photo of yourself. 😁

Happy birthday and re-birthday and all of it to you.

I love you with my whole heart.



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