I am the grandchild of slaves
I am the grandchild of slaves. I have worked for huge corporate entities that want to do good and make sure we all have attended unconscious bias training. LGBTQ speak up in these trainings about all they encountered. So do people of color. It is horrible what they have to endure in their regular lives. I do not speak up. People do not want to hear from me. If I speak up, the hate crimes against me will only grow. I am the grandchild of slaves. Slaves who were freed in the 1940s, 70+ years ago, only two generations ago. In those two generations we have embraced our freedom. We are educated. We have bachelors degrees, MBAs, doctorates and post-doctorates. We are prosperous. We drive fancy cars and live in fancy houses. We have no reason to be afraid and no reason to complain. We have been given nothing and achieved everything. I am the grandchild of slaves. I appreciate my freedom every day. I worry about my freedom being tak...
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