Gen Z

Dear Alex,

Sometimes I don't even realize how the world has changed until you point it out to me in the most direct way.

It's snowing today and we are all in the house for a snow day.  Of course, your dad and I are working because in the modern world there are no snow days for adults who can easily VPN and conference call in from home - business as usual.  
In any case, you had signed up earlier this year to volunteer for the Shovel For Seniors program that our town has.  This is the first (and hopefully the last) time that it has snowed.  Since it is still coming down pretty heavily, I asked you to call the older couple to let them know that you would be over later today after it had slowed down.  So you call and then come into the kitchen with your phone on speaker and say, "There's this sound coming when I call them, mom".  It was a busy signal, a phone sound that you had never heard and had no idea what it was.  I had to tell you that means someone is on the phone and they do not have voicemail or call waiting.

Modern times hitting up against luddites.  It can be confusing for a twelve almost thirteen year old.

Love ya,


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