Learning Styles and Teaching Styles

Dear Alex,

We had an interesting conversation this morning about learning and teaching.  You told me that one of your least preferred teachers teaches like "cogs in a machine" (you asked if that had anything to do with the word cognitive).  In any case, what you meant when we discussed was that her teaching is so routinized (not cognitive!), that what you should be doing or learning is not top of mind, it becomes invisible.

She probably teaches this way with the same type of assignments due on the same days of the week so that she can free up young learners to focus on the content.  But of course as I realize more and more each day, people have different learning styles.  And this type of teaching style feels so much like process that you use all your brain power on making sure all the cogs are in place rather than stretching your thinking.

I'm sorry that your learning style does not mesh with her teaching style.  It makes for a difficult year.

Love you,


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