A lighthearted memory from fourth grade

Spiech, Lisa spiechl@glenrocknj.org

May 21
to me
Hi Mrs. Schwartz,
Today I announced a States research project that we would be working on through the end of the year.   Both fourth grade classes will be researching one of our states and writing an informational piece based on the research.  The 50 states are being divided between the two fourth grade classes.  I explained to the class that I was going to randomly pull their name stick and then they could come and pull a state name out of a cup.  I explained that they might not get a state they want, but they could certainly research a state they were interested in on their own. When Alex picked from the cup he got Delaware and was very disappointed.  He went back to his seat and cried.  He cried for about a half an hour.  I told him he could go down to the health office until he felt better, but he said he would be fine.  I just wanted you to know how upset he was.

Thank you for sending Alex’s writing in before NJ ASK.  I could tell he worked very hard on it and did a good job.  I haven’t had a chance yet to return it to him with comments.

Thank you and have a nice evening,
Lisa Spiech

Jodi Schwartz schwartz.jodi@gmail.com

May 21
to Lisa
I didn't mean to laugh when I read this,  but I did :)
I've been spending time with Alex this evening learning some cool stuff about Delaware and he is feeling more inspired.
Have a good night


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