
Dear Avery,

The title of this blog post is "Punim".  It is Yiddish for the word face.  I don't use too many Yiddish words in part because I do not know them, but in part because it makes me feel like a cultural Jew instead of an observant one, and I don't like that feeling.  (Just another insight into my crazy).

Punim, however is a word that I like to keep a part of my vocabulary.  Because it means so much more than face.  It is layered with meaning; it means 'beautiful face', 'the face I love' and it absolutely cannot be said without total and complete endearment.

Yes my love, you are my shana punim.  And for your sixth birthday, I would like to write in detail about that punim.  That not so beautiful right now, bruised and battered face.  From things like a 'rug burn' from the rubber surface at the playground and things like a bruised and swollen nose from falling face first on a stone floor while running around and dancing and things like little round red dots from scratching springtime bug bites.

Okay, I'm your mom, so take this as you will - even with all of those bruises, you are still one of the most gorgeous creatures on this earth!

What I really want to talk about for your sixth birthday is your strength and your resilience in light of all these recent normal kid bruises.  I am amazed with your toughness.  Your ability to get up, wipe yourself off and go back to playing as hard as possible, because it seems that playing and enjoying life and being with friends supersedes any amount of pain or discomfort you might be feeling at the moment.  Oh how I love this about you!

I hope as you grow, you remember to be always exuberant, to take pleasure in the small and large joys of friends, family and daily life.

Happy sixth birthday, Avery! (I hope you lose a tooth soon),

P.S. I want to remind you that you donated 10 inches of hair to Pantene Great Lengths in honor of your sixth birthday.


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