A conversation with your third grade teacher

Dear Alex,

I just got off the phone with Mrs. Dextraze.  When I see the school number show up on my caller ID, I cringe wondering what part of your body you injured, what the nurse has to say about you.

But instead it was your teacher.  She called to talk to me about some class parent stuff - Wendy and I just finished executing the Third Grade International Luncheon.  This is an event that you kids particularly loved.  Basically, it was the culmination of a whole unit on genealogy.  You guys studied the countries from which your ancestors immigrated and then your parents brought in food cooked from those countries.  As usual, you stuck to what you knew and liked, but I was pleased that you did try some new things.  A spark of hope that one day you will be more adventurous!

Midway through the conversation  Mrs. Dextraze changed the subject to talk about you.  My "uh oh" alarms went off again, not because you are an evil person, but because sometimes you can be a bit mischievous and while I love that about you, I also look forward to the day that you know the appropriate time to set the imp inside you free.  But lo and behold, she had nothing bad to say, quite the opposite.  Mrs. Dextraze wanted to let me know how much she loved teaching social studies to the class because of your passion and excitement.  Your attitude was infectious for the class and everyone would really get into whatever the class was studying at the moment.  She said that you were truly gifted when it came to understanding people and other cultures and that you reminded her of her own brother.  AND that I should fully expect that you will run off to Europe and Asia and South America and everywhere in between as soon as you were old enough to travel on your own.

Alex, whether you know it or not, this gift of understanding people is truly amazing.  I don't know if this means that you will be able to highlight the human condition for the masses as a movie director or you will understand people's needs and go into advertising or marketing like me and Auntie Dawn or maybe you will be a psychologist like your Uncle David.  But I do know that you will be successful in life.



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