Wow! Routines are time consuming!

Hey kids,

It has been over a month since I have written to you.  These darn fall routines are certainly a time suck!  Even now, as I'm struggling to fit it all in on a Friday, I know that I will only write something short because that is all I have time for today.

So let's see.  Alex, this fall you must master the fine art of balancing.  You have have third grade and all that comes with it - thirty minutes of homework a day instead of fifteen, a recorder for music class that you play enthusiastically, football practice two hours a day, three days a week (plus a two hour game on weekends) and Hebrew school two hours a day, twice a week.  Let's just say that itouch time, Wii time and hanging out with your friends time are minimal right now.  So while you really seem to be loving football, I am looking forward to the winter to get eight hours a week of your time back.

Avery, perhaps your schedule might not be quite as daunting as your brother's, however, make no mistake, you have stepped up significantly in the amount you are doing this year.  You attend Pre-K five days a week and stay through lunch each day.  On Tuesday afternoons you have ballet.  On Friday afternoons you have gymnastics and on Saturday mornings you have soccer.  That is a lot for a four year old!  And you seem to love them all.

Shanah tovah, kiddos,


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