Goal Oriented
Hey kids,
It's August. Another month until school starts and I'm not rushing the end of summer, but all the sudden I can feel it creeping up on us.
I have been wondering if you ever think about how I am performing at my job of mommy. Do you think I am perfect? I am not. There is no one ideal for this job description. I do however, imagine that each and every mom can close her eyes and can describe her ideal in minute detail.

My paragon of perfection is not unlike a well-rounded liberal arts education with a strong core. I think about music, visual arts, sports, literature, pop culture, social interactions, healthy eating, well-rested, clean rooms, clean bodies, indoor play, outdoor play. One must be at least minimally proficient in all of these areas, if he or she hopes to lead a successful life. Believe it or not, that is why I try to 'under' schedule you. I believe that when left to your own devices that you will be most creative and engaged.

I wont apologize for pushing these ideals on you. I will however be empathetic. It must be tough to have a mom who wants you to be pretty good at so many things. Know that in setting these goals, I hope you will both become well-rounded and uncover your passion in life, whatever that might be. This is childhood as it should be!
It's August. Another month until school starts and I'm not rushing the end of summer, but all the sudden I can feel it creeping up on us.
I have been wondering if you ever think about how I am performing at my job of mommy. Do you think I am perfect? I am not. There is no one ideal for this job description. I do however, imagine that each and every mom can close her eyes and can describe her ideal in minute detail.

My paragon of perfection is not unlike a well-rounded liberal arts education with a strong core. I think about music, visual arts, sports, literature, pop culture, social interactions, healthy eating, well-rested, clean rooms, clean bodies, indoor play, outdoor play. One must be at least minimally proficient in all of these areas, if he or she hopes to lead a successful life. Believe it or not, that is why I try to 'under' schedule you. I believe that when left to your own devices that you will be most creative and engaged.

I wont apologize for pushing these ideals on you. I will however be empathetic. It must be tough to have a mom who wants you to be pretty good at so many things. Know that in setting these goals, I hope you will both become well-rounded and uncover your passion in life, whatever that might be. This is childhood as it should be!
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