416 weeks old!

Dear Alex,

Today you turn eight and I just cannot believe it!  I truly remember when I measured your age in weeks and even days, that's how new to the world you were.  And now you are eight and completely your own person.  

I love that you have secrets with friends and you call them up on the phone! by yourself! and ask if they want to "hang out" - no more play-dates, I know.  

I love that while you are growing up, there are still some remnants of little boy in you and for that I am thankful as I am not ready to cede you to the world.  I love that you will still hold my hand when we take walks and give me hugs and kisses (as long as your friends are not around) and hop into bed with me in the morning to just be lazy.

I love that you are becoming such a great reader and that you enjoy both works of fiction and non-fiction.  I love even more that you still let me read to you every night before bed and that you beg for just one more chapter, even though the books we read now have impossibly long chapters.

I love that you have retained your emotional intelligence and sensitivity and that you truly care to make sure people, especially your own mom are feeling happy and content.

I do not love your colossal affection for WWE wrestling.  I do love, however, that this is something you share with your Dad.

I love your giant hippopotamus front teeth.  I think I will be a little sad when they no longer dominate your mouth.

I love that nearly every pair of pants you own are both too short on you and have a giant hole in the knee and that even when you are wearing pants that do not have holes you still come home with dirty knees.  How do you do that!?!?

I love that you are unbelievably tall and lanky.  I love even more that the way you look reminds Grandma so much of Uncle David when he was your age.  You are the third generation of "Monkey Boys"!

I love watching you figure out your place in the world and I truly look forward to each and every birthday that I get to spend with you.

You are just fantastic.  Happy birthday!



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