Dor v'dor

Hi kids,

"Dor v'dor" means from generation to generation in Hebrew.  That's the title of this post because I had a wonderful experience with you two last night celebrating Simchat Torah at the Glen Rock Jewish Center.  And I remember when Grandma used to take me when I was a kid.  I don't know, honestly, which is more fun, being a kid and going or watching your kids when you are older.

In any case, I want to let you know that this year, I wore a tallit and danced with a torah.  Alex, you held a real torah for the first time and that is really amazing and special for a seven year old.

We also all stood under a chuppah as a family during the reading of the torah and sang the blessings before the torah reading together.  What an incredible honor for all of us.

Chag sameach!



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