School Age Kids

So it's happened. Both Alex and Avery have started school for the year - Avery for the first time. And the sense of routine and order in our lives is for the most part calming.

And how are the two little darlings doing in their academic studies this year?

Well, Avery has been rising to the challenge of pre-school. She is not without anxiety; every morning at drop off she tells me that today she does not want to go to school and her tiny hands grips a little more tightly as we approach the classroom door. But then the teachers engage her and she is off and running with nary a tear escaping nor a look back over her shoulder to say goodbye. It's just the way things are and she is fine with that. I look forward to her developing friendships and growing as a person.

It is only week two of school for Alex and Eric and I have already been called in by the teacher. I was upset and worried until I met Ms. L and understood why we were being called in. Alex, not unlike his two parents, likes to talk. And he likes to talk at inappropriate times, like when he is supposed to be quietly working or quietly listening to his teacher. Basically, being quiet doesn't work so well for our exceptionally verbally loquacious boy. Also, the kid likes to get a rise out of others and likes to make them laugh. I am writing this here now so that we can remember to tease Alex later in life. He was asked to create Eric Carle's "Very Hungry Catepillar" with his own illustrations and his own name. At the end of his 'book', instead of becoming a butterfly, he could choose to become anything he wanted. Alex drew a circle with a line down the center and wrote that the very hungry Alex had become a butt (he actually wrote but). While harmless and perhaps a bit funny, we all have the filter to know that this is inappropriate for school. Alex, my love, I hope when you look back on this years from now, that you have developed that filter.

Your (sometimes strict) mommy.


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