The entire month of January is a blur...

...Obviously, since I did not manage to blog even once. I missed writing Avery her nine month note, so I'll do that here. Also want to record for posterity some of Alex's current idiosyncracies.
As for your growing personality. Well, probably not too much new. You are still a bossy little girl who knows exactly what she wants and has no problem communicating needs. In fact you actually have several words now. Dada and Allah (for Alex), but you also now wave and say hi (more like Haaaaa---iiiiiii) and you point to whatever you want at the moment and say dat (that). You clap both when prompted (hooray!) and unprompted when you like something (like when I sing songs from broadway musicals). You also shake your head no at appropriate moments and have this absolutely fantastic expression that I am desparate to capture on film - when there is something that you absolutely don't want to do or eat, etc. you close your eyes, purse your lips and put your tiny chin in the air - the sweetest, clearest communication of all. You also have a great laugh whenever you see your brother - I think he is your greatest joy right now.
Love, Mama.
And now, onto the full-of-life little boy that lives in this house...Alexander the great!
Alex - I'll write a full debrief of your 5th year of life when you turn 5 next month. For right now, I just wanted to write down for posterity that you are in full potty mouth mode.
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