Michelle Obama "First Mommy", I'm not

Ah yes, today's modern woman - we have figured out how to do and have it all - a successful career, a satisfying home life, time for ourselves. We have cracked the code, right? Yeah, right!

I was having one of those idyllic I can do it all Mommy moments last week. I had come home early for a conference call that was going to run directly into focus groups. I had not traveled to Chicago with the rest of the team, but rather would be watching the groups on my computer via FocusVision (hooray for modern technology!). Since the groups started at 6p.m., right when Avery and Alex eat their dinner, I was going to cook and prepare all their food in advance and be ready to go. I had also taken out their pajamas for the night, vitamins and toothbrush with toothpaste lined up in the bathroom. I had thought of everything!

To the point that I was even making homemade baby food. Non of that jarred stuff for me! (at least not this night) While on a conference call in which I was not just listening, but actively participating (and taking notes on my computer), I steamed a sweet potato (in the microwave), peeled it, and got out the immersion stick hand mixer so that I could puree (have you figured out yet where this is going?). But it was a little thick. So I decided that I should add some water. But because it was thick, it was stuck to the mixer. With phone cradled between ear and shoulder, I took my left index finger to clean out the mixer. Without unplugging it. And with my right thumb on the pulse button.

I managed to get the phone to mute and did the above the heart pressure thing with a paper towel. For about 40 minutes. While still on the conference call. But the bleeding did not stop, so eventually I had to A] tell the team that I would be late to watching the first group, B] call Jenny and ask her to start feeding Avery until Eric got home and C] find my way to the Valley Hospital Emergency Department for the five stitches that I just had removed today, 10 days after the incident.

And I can finally type again! And Avery will be eating a lot of jarred food for the time being.


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