Dear Alex, Today you turn thirteen. Thirteen!!!! How and when did you become an official teenager!?!?!? I know it's cliche, but it really does go by quickly...the days are long, the years are short, and all that. As has become tradition when you have completed another year of life, I like to take some time to reflect on your personality, your accomplishments and yes, even your struggles over the past year. In the truest notion of becoming a bar mitzvah, you seem more like a man than ever At some point you stop changing so quickly. When you were a baby we would see changes weekly, but now a whole year has gone by and your personality, your quirks are still Alex with all that is wonderful and all your imperfections (and I wouldn't have it any other way). I think what has changed this year is how I react to you. I will always be your mother and I will always "parent" you and raise you to be a decent human being. However in the past year, it ...