525,600 minutes...How do you measure....

Dear Avery, You read the title of this post and I bet you are singing it in your head now :) Happy 15th birthday! I have spent probably longer writing this post because I'm finding it so difficult to encapsulate the past year that has been filled with so much change for you. Friends and Friend Groups and Parties I find myself first wanting to start with friendship. You live your life in technicolor (i.e. you are emotional) so this is the area where you have always and continue to experience the most highs and lows. I saw this TikTok clip today in which a professor was talking about how he is changing his way of teaching from his generally more laid back style to more structured as a direct result of his students having spent the majority of their high school years in quarantine and thus lacking skills to achieve in an unstructured environment. It had me thinking about how quarantine will impact you long term (NB: can you believe that we are STILL talking ab...