Unbearably fragile and yet absolutely unbreakable

Dear Avery, I want to get these words just right. With you I always want everything to be perfect or at least as perfect as possible, because the details, the time and care and attention paid really matter to you. You appreciate it. As I write this on the eve of your fourteenth birthday, I am struck by how you have managed to be fluid in an ever changing world. Some of this is World with a capital W - like we are living in pandemic times and public health policies change, impacting us on the daily. And then there is world - your everyday world here in Glen Rock or off at camp - and the people that you encounter. Today I'm going to focus on your world and not make this an account of vaccines and masks and quarantine. Girl....You'll be a woman soon Cringe! Of course, don't go off and make me a grandmother anytime soon, but just sharing that your body is doing everything that it's supposed to do at this age. You also delight in the fact that you are (ver...