
Showing posts from April, 2021

Honest Aves

Dear Avery, Abraham Lincoln Embraced His Honesty With Pride You are named after dad's maternal grandfather, Abraham Novak or as he was known to his grandkids, Papa Abe.  One of Abe's traits that you share with him and that dad likes to talk about was his brutal honesty.  So that's what I would like to write about as you officially turn 13 and embark on your teenage years: the interplay between your honesty and your level of tolerance. From Despondency to Exuberance You have always been my most extreme kid who lives in vivid color with everything.  Yes with your brutal honesty, but also you love hard and you hate hard, you play hard and you rest hard, you laugh hard and you cry hard.  There are very few grey areas in your life; at your best you are vivacious and exuberant, at your worst you are cutting and despondent.  Last year we talked about you working on dialing down your living life at a level eleven down to a seven.  And how sad it was that we live in...