A blindingly bright pinpoint of fabulous among a landscape of meh

Dear Avery Today you turn twelve years old. You have heard the old adage about the tree falling in the woods and nobody around to hear it. Is the corollary, if someone has a birthday during quarantine and nobody around to celebrate that you don’t turn one year older? Of course, I am just jesting, but I am writing this because it does speak to a description of who you are at this age. Also, I am apologizing in advance that this post is more likely to cover the past two months of your last year. Somehow in the midst of quarantine it is difficult to remember your life before the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. You are a worrier. About yourself. About others. About the world. You may wonder why I am beginning this post with something kind of negative. I realize that it may seem that way, but I see it differently. You may "worry" that you will not be celebrated, but in fact it is more about you being keenly aware of your surroundings. You notice and car...