A better world - Avery turns Double Digits!
Dear Avery, Today you are ten years old! However you have been telling everyone for awhile that you are ten, so I wonder today if you will start telling people that you are eleven. All in The theme of the past year for you is definitely friendship and both learning how to be a good friend as well as who is a good friend to you. This should be easy, but at 44, I still mess up some days or have my feelings hurt other days. You are a fiercely passionate individual. To use a poker analogy, you never just call, you are either raising or all in. Meaning that in your friendships, a girl goes from being just someone in your class that you know to being your BEST friend who you would like to exclusively hang out with all day every day. Then one day, you decide that girl is OUT. And you move on to the next person. So a couple of things to say about this: firstly, I say you are just like dad, but this all in until you are out behavior is...