The girl who will change the world - Avery turns nine!

Dear Avery, It's 9:30 a.m. on your birthday. You went to sleep late last night after hosting 16 (!) girls for your birthday party. And still at 9:30, you have already opened 16 gifts, run a 5K and are happily playing away at a friend's house before you head out to your 1 p.m. lacrosse game. Phew! You are a force of nature! It's funny how when I take the time to reflect about how you have evolved over the past year how much I realize that you are who you are and some parts of you will forever remain unchanged parts of your personality. Things like your joie de vivre, your perseverance and your general "more the merrier" inclusiveness. My goodness, do I love that inclusiveness part of your personality. It manifests itself as pure kindness. (It also means that you have extremely large birthday parties!) Your kindness means that you are aware when someone is feeling a little bit left out or on the fringes. I have watched quietly fr...