Shining, then sharing

Dear Avery, Tomorrow is your eighth birthday. You were very excited this morning to be able to say "tomorrow is" instead of five days, four days, etc., until my birthday. And as usual, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about your past year to best encapsulate in one letter to you all that has happened, all that defines you. Forever Building Fantastical and Magical Worlds So some of what I write is easy because there are elements of your personality that I have been writing about for eight years that will always hold true: your joie de vivre and your intense desire to play. If I close my eyes it is very easy to picture you as a cartoonish Tasmanian Devil creating a maelstrom of Polly Pockets, Calico Critters and American Girl dolls in her path. This explosion of colorful plastic brings you great happiness whether it is shared with a friend or when you are quietly creating a magical world on your own. If it's not with toys, then you create these worlds...