A good community keeps you young
Hi Alex and Avery, When you get older and have kids of your own, you will contemplate leaving the city for the space and greenery of the suburbs. You will do this because the giant sized kid toys will be taking over your apartment and you will have convinced yourselves that your children need freedom to have fresh air whenever they want it, although in reality your kids will want to stay inside and watch tv, play video games or use the computer rather than go in the backyard. You will also justify the decision to go suburban because of the schools, the excellent schools! Before, during and after you make the suburban transition, you will bring up these justifications ad nauseum to your friends who have chosen to remain city dwellers, but in reality, you will be repeating these mantras to quell the fear in your own hearts. "Will I begin to wear mom jeans?" you wonder (or for Alex, whatever the male equivalent is to 'mom jeans'). Will I feel completely isolated...