
Showing posts from December, 2011

The month of December, recovering from her surgery...

....has been a whirlwind.  So much to write.  So much to remember. Since the last post was about the anxiety I was feeling before Avery's surgery, I wanted to write that she is fine.  My memories of that day include Avery's anxiety manifesting itself as anger - angry that she had to wear the hospital pajamas and a hospital bracelet and that she had to go into an operating room and breathe into a mask.  Her tiny fingers clutched onto me for dear life as the anesthesiologist had her breathe into a mask. The surgery was successful.  And then the anger returned in post-op.  Amongst the meek other children in recovery, Avery was a banshee "GET ME OUT OF HERE!" she screamed repeatedly. "I WANT MY OWN PAJAMAS!"  "GET THIS IV OUT OF ME" (and then) "GET THIS BAND-AID OFF WHERE THE IV USED TO BE".  The nurses actually let us leave a half hour earlier than they were supposed to because she was inconsolable.  And as soon as she got back int...