(365 x 7) + 12 = Alex
Dear Alex, Today is 12 days past your seventh birthday. This year you had three parties: a friend party, a school party and a family party. For your friend party, we kept it small this year and took a handful of boys (and Avery) out for pizza and to the movies (Rango) then back to our house for ice cream cake and playing. This felt like a very adult party and I think that your favorite part was back at our house when you all ran around outside with fluorescent yellow dollar store dart guns from you goodie bags and played war. I think this will be the theme of your seventh year, that you have become a complete and utter boy. There is no trace of cuddly baby left in you. You like to do the things that boys do - play war, get dirty, ride your scooter and bike, play video games. And in the past few months some of the most amazing changes have occurred in you. You have become basketball player, reader extraordinare (chapter books all on your own!), and mathematician. You have a few re...